News Media Spotlight the CSC’s “Remember” Project

The “Remember” Comics Project is a collaboration between the UBC Comics Studies Cluster, Indigenous media personality and award-winning podcaster Tchadas Leo, and the nonprofit Education without Borders that combines the rich oral histories of the Homalco First Nation with the vibrant visuality of the comics medium.

The project began in Summer 2023, and with the first drafts completed, it has begun to receive significant media attention, highlighting the project’s cultural importance as well as its educational potential.

CBC News posted an article titled “Graphic Novel from the Homalco First Nation aims to spark youth interest in traditional teachings,” interviewing comic artist Alina Pete,Tchadas Leo, and Chief Daren Blaney, who has been the chief of the Nation for over 25 years.

Global News recently showcased the “Remember” Comics Project in a broadcast segment. The feature provided viewers with an engaging look into the project through an interview with Valen Onstine, one of the three indigenous comic artists working on the project. Valen offered insights into his creative process, his experience of the site visit to Bute Inlet, and his reflections on the role of comics in indigenous storytelling.


CHEK News also highlighted the “Remember” Comics Project in a detailed article that delves into the project’s background, objectives, and current status by interviewing Tchadas Leo. The article also shared in-progress work from the upcoming graphic novel and a supporting video that featured clips from the site visit, in addition to interviews with Leo and comic artists Alina Pete and Valen Onstine.


Other articles featuring the project have been published in the Campbell River Mirror, Victoria Buzz, Chemainus Valley Courier.

The project has also been featured live on All Points West with CBC Radio

The “Remember” Comics Project stands as a testament to the power of collaborative storytelling and the role of art in preserving and celebrating cultural heritage. As the project moves forward, the attention of these media outlets is expected to enhance public engagement and understanding of the Homalco First Nation’s rich history and traditions.